Thursday, October 21, 2004

Extremists are fun

This is a great time of year for fanatics.

The Boston Red Sox and New York Yankees series has brought a huge number of irrational statements, not to mention fun baseball to watch.

The election creates fanaticism that is unparalleled. Both sides are guilty of this. I have been listening to Air America on the internet today. Liberal radio designed to combat the conservative radio talk that is rife on the airwaves. It is fun to listen to this after getting angry at Rush Limbaugh for years.

Everybody spins and distorts...

Be sure you vote what your head and heart tells you, but please use your head more than your heart.

You know who I miss ... all the fanatics saying that Harry Potter is demonic and makes children turn to Satan if they read them. My children can spout Potter trivia as easily as their names and address and I have yet to find a pentagram drawn in blood on their closet walls.

I wonder how the candidates feel about Harry Potter. My guess: Kerry liked the books, but wants to put a Potter tax on all Harry memorabilia to fund his liberal tax and spend ideas. Laura read the first book to W, but he didn't have the attention span for the longer sequels. Dick Cheney explained them to him and got a contract for Halliburton to supply the troops with hardcover copies, the books are in Farsi (the official language of Iran) and we paid $795 per copy, but if you wedge one in your shirt they stop many forms of shrapnel better than the flak jackets. Nader feels that the fact that book 5 was 870 pages was a threat to the rain forests because the number of trees to supply the paper can not be found elswhere. Michael Badnarik's Potter opinion, oh, who the hell cares what the Libertarian candidate thinks. I bet you didn't know he was the Libertarian candidate until the end of the sentence.


Anonymous said...

Quidditch Veterans for "Truth" would claim that Harry Potter never won a game.

Lynne Cheney would pretend she is angry that someone mentioned in a debate that Harry is a wizard.

Rush Limp-pig would blame his drug habit on a spell cast by femi-nazi Hermione.

Karl Rove would start a rumor that Harry had an affair with a troll.

All Republicans would obediently repeat the talking point that only Bush can keep us safe from Voldemorte, even though the Bush family has been in business with him for years.

And don't forget -- all this black magic makes a missile defense shield more urgent than ever.

--Aesthete Eric

The Seth said...

And now that all the stars of the movie versions have pubated, who will replace them? Where has that been in the debates and stands on the issues?