Friday, November 12, 2004

A Sense of Completion

I finished it. I had been working on a movie script for quite a while now. Sarah, Seth, and I have been planning to make a short comedy film for a little over a year now. It all began as trading jokes and gags while sitting around Sarah's classroom. I started writing the script soon after that session. Well, a variety of things slowed the process. It took me nearly a year to write the first 29 pages and then I wrote 20 pages Wednesday.

It was great fun to write the script. I was giddy Wednesday. Claudia and I were hanging out Wednesday afternoon while the kids were at choir practice and she was bombarded with silly joke after silly joke as I continued on what I called "a roll." Writing is a singular process. I enjoy sitting at the computer writing. I even make myself laugh out loud once in a while. The contributions of Seth and Sarah can not be overstated.

I think the movie will be quite funny. The circle of friends we have possess talents that should make it possible to truly pull this off well. The fun of collaborative creative process is great. I hope all can continue towards the completion of this project.


The Rabbit said...

I read it Sunday. It is absolutely hillarious.

Chris said...

Thanks to "The Rabbit" for the compliments on the script. Also, thanks to Jason for a place to stay, but the hopes are that we will be staying in fancy hotels as we rocket our way to the top.

The Rabbit said...

Amen... I am working on my "writer" right now. Do you think asking for fresh antartica seafood is a little too much??